This is a lower-level API. Lower-level APIs are not recommended for most projects, and may not be available on all plans. See our page on recommended deployment patterns for more information.
Public Method Questions API


Note This method can only be used in Local Device Assessment.

Returns an object, containing two methods: getSession and push.


const offlineMethods = LearnosityApp.offline();



Return value

Value object


  • push function

    Note This method can only be used in Local Device Assessment.

    Synchronize the unsynchronized local device assessment responses stored inside the current device's indexedDB based on the provided sessionId argument.

    Returns: Promise
    LearnosityApp.offline().push(securityObject, '73b93d80-481d-4c50-b2ed-6596c49e037a')
        .then(() => console.log('Synchronization completed'));
  • getSession function

    Note This method can only be used in Local Device Assessment.

    Return responses stored inside the current device's indexedDB based on the provided sessionId argument.

    Returns: Promise
    LearnosityApp.offline().getSession(securityObject, '73b93d80-481d-4c50-b2ed-6596c49e037a')
        .then((data) => console.log('session responses data', data));
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