This is a lower-level API. Lower-level APIs are not recommended for most projects, and may not be available on all plans. See our page on recommended deployment patterns for more information.
Initialization Option Assess API


Enables various customizations such as redirect URLs and reading time settings.


"configuration": {
    "lazyload": false,
    "focus_on_player": false,
    "onsubmit_redirect_url": "",
    "onsave_redirect_url": false,
    "ondiscard_redirect_url": "",
    "reading_mode": {
        "reading_time": 300,
        "warning_time": 60,
        "goto_first_item_on_reading_time_completion": true
    "questionsApiVersion": "v2",
    "contrast": "black-on-white",
    "contrast": {
        "active": "Example 1",
        "custom_palettes": [
                "name": "Example 1",
                "colors": {
                    "content-background": "#ffffff",
                    "content-color": "#000000",
                    "content-color-hover": "#cccccc"
                "name": "Example 2",
                "colors": {
                    "content-background": "#ffffff",
                    "content-color": "#000000",
                    "content-color-hover": "#cccccc"
    "fontsize": "normal",
    "idle_timeout": false,
    "events": false,
    "shuffle_items": false,
    "disable_item_workflow": false,
    "submit_criteria": {
        "type": "attempted",
        "threshold": 50
    "submit_failed_options": {
        "mailto": false,
        "download": false
    "auto_retry_failed_images": false,
    "decouple_submit_from_review": false


Request object key configuration

Type object

This object has the following properties which can be configured.

  • accessibility object

    Options for configuring the assessment player accessibility settings.

  • auto_retry_failed_images boolean

    If enabled, the Assess API will attempt to try to reload any failed images.

  • contrast object string

    Define the active color scheme.

  • disable_item_workflow boolean

    Disable to items workflow from being executed.

  • events boolean

    Whether to enable Events API for publishing/subscribing realtime events for the session.

  • focus_on_player boolean

    Set the focus to the Start button when there is an intro page, or to the first item when there is no intro page.

  • fontsize string

    The font size used to render text content inside Assess API.

  • idle_timeout boolean object

    When enabled, a dialog box will be shown after a number of seconds of inactivity.

  • lazyload boolean

    Enables lazy loading of items from the Item Bank to improve loading time during API initialization.

  • ondiscard_redirect_url boolean string

  • onsave_redirect_url boolean string

  • onsubmit_redirect_url boolean string

  • questionsApiVersion string

    Load the activity using the specified version of Questions API.

  • question_indexing boolean

    Adds indentation and sequential numbering to all questions in the activity.

  • reading_mode object

    Allocate a reading time period where the users can browse and read questions.

  • section_options object

    Enables various customizations for sections Assessment.

  • shuffle_items boolean string

    Enables shuffling of items based on a given seed.

  • submit_criteria object

    Define the criteria the user needs to meet in order to successfully submit their session.

  • submit_failed_options object

    Set the options for the user to manually retrieve and send their session responses in the event of a network failure or server issues preventing submissions.

  • decouple_submit_from_review boolean

    This flag allows the Review screen to be used as a tool independent from the submit pattern.

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