This is a lower-level API. Lower-level APIs are not recommended for most projects, and may not be available on all plans. See our page on recommended deployment patterns for more information.
Initialization Option Question Editor API


Used to overwrite the default font sizes. Entries are separated by semi-colons (';') and any kind of size can be used, e.g. '12px;2.3em;x-small'. Optionally, you can define a display name for a size by prefixing an entry with the name and the slash character, e.g. 'Normal/12px;Medium/16px'. Note that specifying font sizes in px can create problems with accessibility settings.


Request object key rich_text_editor.font_sizes.sizes

Default: 8/0.5em;10/0.6em;12/0.8em;14/0.9em;15/0.9em;16/1em;18/1.1em;20/1.3em;24/1.5em;25/1.6em;28/1.8em;32/2em;40/3em

Type string

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