Initialization Option Items API


The URL to redirect the learner to when the assessment has been saved successfully.

You would want to specify this option so that you can control the new page that the learner will go to.


var initializationOptions = {
    "config": {
        "configuration": {
            "onsave_redirect_url": ""


Request object key config.configuration.onsave_redirect_url

Default: "/" (redirects to the home page)

This option can be initialized as one of the following types: boolean string.

  • Type boolean
    Set to false to prevent any redirect.
  • Type string

    Automatically redirect to the supplied URL when the user choose to exit after finished saving an activity.

Related articles

  • The ondiscard_redirect_url initialization option, which redirects the learner to the specified URL when the session has been discarded.
  • The onsubmit_redirect_url initialization option, which redirects the learner to the specified URL when the session has been submitted.
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