Initialization Option Items API


The URL to redirect the learner to when the assessment has been discarded by a proctor.

You would want to specify this option so that you can control the new page that the learner will go to.


var initializationOptions = {
    "config": {
        "configuration": {
            "ondiscard_redirect_url": ""


Request object key config.configuration.ondiscard_redirect_url

Default: "/" (redirects to the home page for the current domain)

This option can be initialized as one of the following types: boolean string.

  • Type boolean
    Set to false to prevent any redirect.
  • Type string

    Automatically redirect to the supplied URL when the session has been discarded.

Related articles

  • The onsave_redirect_url initialization option, which redirects the learner to the specified URL when the session has been saved.
  • The onsubmit_redirect_url initialization option, which redirects the learner to the specified URL when the session has been submitted.
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