Event Author API


Fires after an Activity has successfully saved.

You would want to be notified about this event firing, because you might want to display a custom success message in your application, for example.


authorApp.on('save:activity:success', function () {
    console.log('This code executes when an Activity has successfully saved.');

Callback arguments

The event callback function will be called with an AuthorEvent instance as an argument (unless indicated otherwise). The AuthorEvent object provides further information for the event that has been fired. Additional data attributes listed below can be accessed from the event.data object. The AuthorEvent object will look like the example below:

authorApp.on('[name of the fired event]', function (event) {
            "name": "[name of the fired event]",
            "data": {
                // additional data attributes
  • activityJson object
    JSON of the Activity that has successfully saved.

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