This is a lower-level API. Lower-level APIs are not recommended for most projects, and may not be available on all plans. See our page on recommended deployment patterns for more information.
Initialization Option Annotations API


By default, Learnosity provides CSS class names for the colors such as "theme_1", or "theme_2" so the highlight Items will have the classname "lrn-annotations-color--theme-1". If you want to create your own set of colors using CSS, you can use this attribute to craft the color set as follows: "color-1" will generate the classname "lrn-annotations-color--color-1".


Request object key drawing.colors


  • $textHighlight_theme_1 - (hex code: #0096d7; "blue")
  • $textHighlight_theme_2 - (hex code: #f7182e; "red")
  • $textHighlight_theme_3 - (hex code: #00a656; "green")
  • $textHighlight_theme_4 - (hex code: #333; "black")

Note These values are CSS class names.

Type array[string]

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